Jarkko Nääs Illustrator/Graphic designer 25.06.1977 Laivalahdenportti 3 a 1, 00810 Helsinki Mobile: +358 50 572 0296 Email: jnaas77@hotmail.com CURRICULUM VITAE Education Master of Arts, graduated in 2009 from University of Lapland. 2004 – 2005 Lapland Studio 1998 – 2009 (Also) University of Lapland Student of graphic design (major: graphic design, minor: illustration, media studies, multimedia and fine arts) 2001-2002 University of Sunderland, UK Studies of Illustration and graphic design 1997-1998 Kauhajoen Kansanopisto Studies of graphic design. 1996-97 Military service. Work Experience 2008-2009 Sulake Corporation, graphic designer 2008-2009 Phoenix Foundation, freelance illustrator 2004-2009 Kustannusyhtiö Otava, freelance illustrator 2006-2009 Woodpecker Film Oy, storyboards, freelancer 2007-2009 Suomen Tietotoimisto, freelancer 2008, Bob Helsinki Oy, freelance illustrator 2006-2008 Ironstar Helsinki, graphic artist 2008 Fjord Oy, freelance illustrator 2007 Evia, concept art 2006-2007 Also Starring, storyboards, freelancer 2006 Osmo Production, concept art 2005 University of Lapland, has tought 3d -animation related 2d -illustration 2004-2005 Lapland studio, graphic designer, concept artist, texturizer 2000-2005 Lapin ylioppilaslehti, illustrator 2002-2004. Editor of the 66:25 –comic book issues #3 and #4 Positions of Trust 2000-2001 Typo ry an organisation of graphic designers in University of Lapland • Board member and a co-founder • Art Designer of Circus Illusion non-profit short 3D -film Technical Skills • Mac: OS, OS X, Windows: 95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista • Photoshop, Freehand, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Painter Language Skills Finnish: native language, HTML: good, English: excellent, Swedish: good |